A prestigious convocation ceremony took place for the 2022-2024 postgraduate students at Narayan Business School in Ahmedabad. The event featured Shri Ashutosh Anshu, Member of the Board of Directors, C.H.R.O , and D&I Lead at Hitachi India, alongside Shri Ramesh Desai, Founder of Zebar Industries, who served as the chief guest for the occasion.
The ceremony commenced with an opening speech delivered by Dr. Amit Gupta, the Founder and Director of Narayan Business School. Shri Ashutosh Anshu, Shri Ramesh Desai, along with Dr. Amit Gupta, Dean of Academics Dr. Purvi Gupta, and Vishal Tiwari (VP of Growth and Strategy) presided over the convocation ceremony. The dignitaries on stage awarded degrees to the students.
In honor of the student’s hard work and commitment, five gold and six silver medals were presented to those deserving under the Academic Awards category. The honored students also received the Special Achievement Award, Student of the Year, and Corporate Excellence Award. During the event, Chief Guest Shri Ashutosh Anshu delivered an inspiring address, highlighting the significance of education and diligence in shaping students’ futures. Prof. Garima Mishra expertly facilitated the entire program.
During the ceremony, the students, their parents, and professors wore expressions of pride. This graduation ceremony marked a significant milestone for the students of Narayan Business School as they embarked on a new journey.